Host Family Letter...ALELUIAAA

Terminei essa carta. Gente não pensei que ia ser tão difícil! Me senti dando a luz... Aff...

Mas tá aí, leiam, comentem, critiquem, elogiem...etc!

Dear host family,

First of all, thank you for your interest on my application. In my opinion, if I had to receive a girl as a host mother, I would like my Au Pair to be qualified, so I’m doing my best to get all the information and qualification as I can.

I would like to describe myself with this letter. Hope you like it!

My name is Drielle, I’m 25 years old, I’m Brazilian and I live in São Paulo popularly known as Sampa. It is the largest city in Brazil and the world's sixth largest city by population. It houses several important monuments, parks and museums such as the Latin American Memorial, the Museum of the Portuguese Language, São Paulo Museum of Art and the Ibirapuera Park which is my favorite place in the city.

I live with my mother, my young brother and my kitty Sandy. My mom Celma is 53 years old and works as seamstress. She is serious, responsible and is an optimistic person. She is everything to me, my best friend and my mentor. I owe everything to my mother. She taught me important principles as being a respectful person. I also live with my young brother, Walter Jr., he is 23 years old and he is student of Civil Engineer. He is hardworking person and funny. I am so proud of his dedication and I do everything for him. My father Walter passed away when I was 15 years old. I miss him so much and the pain doesn’t go away, we only learn how to deal with. We lived wonderful years together. After his dead I start working to help my mom with the bills and my first work was as a babysitter. We have a nice relationship and value each other. I say with absolutely sure that we are a happy family and blessed. My parents always taught me to be honest person, worth my family and other people, to value the small things in life and the importance of study. Everything that I am today, I thank them.

I can say that I am really focused, responsible and also a very happy, easygoing and caring girl. I am very quick witted and adaptable. I enjoy gathering into many different things in my free time such as studying and reading. I also like cooking, Ballroom dance, ride bicycle, meet my friends, go for a walk and also go to the theater or cinema. In summer time I love to go to the beach. I like traveling, my last one was to Amazon where I learned a lot of the native Indians culture and how wonderful our forest is. I also love to swim, play handball and so on.

I have excellent references, a perfect and clean driving record since I love driving and that's pretty much what I do here. I'm a non-smoker, extremely responsible, very reliable, very warm and loving be with kids and teach them the very right discipline, great manners and respect.

I am attending the 2nd year of Trilingual Executive Secretariat and when I finish, I intend to make pos graduation in Human Resources. As I said, my first job was as a baby sitter when I was 15 years old. His name is Matheus and I took care of him for 1,6 years. He was 1 year old when I started. I was responsible for bathing, diaper changing, preparing their formula and bottle feeding. I have also had an amazing experience doing voluntary work in a worldwide organization that I take part in for 10 years and in the last 3 years I helped kids between 5 and 13. At this voluntary work, our goal is to encourage reading, and the understanding of important issues to each one’s everyday lives and how the kids can be a better people. In this job we take time to teaching history using books where children improve writing, painting, and activities such as linking dots among others that stimulate children's thinking. Working with adolescents is somehow different: we help them deal with life changes from teens to adult, to face daily pressures school or outside it. I am already very happy and grateful to participate in this program, as it is very rewarding.

Now, I take care of my friend daughter Izabella, who is 8 years old. I took care of her since she was 4.I was responsible for bathing, cooking meals. I also took her out to parks and outdoor activities. I have to pick her up at school and help before tests.

Why I want to be an au pair?

I decided to do the year abroad as an au pair because I love children. I like to take care of them, play with and see how they are growing up. I think that an exchange is a huge experience and personal growth, once you’ll know yourself better, face different challenges. I completely love the American culture and want to learn the “American way of life”.

Well, this is just a little about me. I think words are not enough to describe something such complex as a person. I tried in a few words to describe opinions and interests. I think this is pretty much what I have from now. I would love to engage on a conversation with you so that we can share more about each other.

With Caring and Love,


7 comentários:

Samaris Fava 19 de abril de 2012 às 15:14  

Aeeeeee!!! conheço algumas falas! hahaha

well done! I lov it!

Drielle Leite 19 de abril de 2012 às 15:15  

Foi com sua permissão kkkkkkk

Anônimo,  20 de abril de 2012 às 10:34  


Valkyrie 25 de abril de 2012 às 08:53  

AAh, toda vez que eu entro aqui - várias vezes nos ultimos dias, viu? - eu me torturo por ainda não ter terminado a minha letter. Mas hoje eu termino!!!!!! De uma vez por todas! Hunf! :D

Drielle Leite 25 de abril de 2012 às 09:11  

Wal, demorei intermináveis 72 horas para concluir essa carta...Parecia que não tinha fim kkkk Mas o pior ainda está por vir...O VÍDEO!!! To aqui quebrando a cabeça pra definir como faço essa buldega e até agora nada! Não queria simplesmente olhar pra camera e me desembestar a falar... Vamos ver! rs

Ahhh depois q terminar a sua, mostra pra gente!! Bjs

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© Um milhão de verões e nenhum inverno!
- Por Drielle Leite
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Pra mostrar que eu sou fofa, vou deixar um recadinho aqui...
Só pra dizer que eu fiz essa capa de pin-up sem vergonha e nada a ver com o mundo de AuPair com moooito carinho!
Eu achei que ficou MARA, e quer saber? AuPair também é gente, não somos apenas babás!
Então... Toda vez que você entrar no seu blog lindo, você vai ver esse layout e lembrar de três coisas:
de mim, de você e da Sandy!
Beijos emos, Walquiria (24.jun.2012)